“I’m scared”, sensational confession of Flavio Insinna: what happened. The presenter does not have it easy
In a recent interview with the weekly Oggi, the conductor of “L’Eredità” decided to confess his fears of the present. The many problems of our country are a specter to be faced.
Flavio Insinna (Ansa Foto)
The period is quite complex, for Italy and for the whole world. Between the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis, the Covid emergency, the issues to be addressed are numerous and all quite complex. Flavio Insinna also wanted to talk about these aspects in a recent interview with the weekly Oggi.
The presenter of “L’Eredità” appeared rather worried, also considering the urgency of immigration and the economic crisis.
“Those like me, who have been lucky in life, are bound to contribute to a world that is, I don’t say better, but a little worse”.
Insinna then adds: “I don’t want to live in a country that doesn’t care. This country where people are getting poorer scares me. But we must reverse this fear, make it become the strength to do better”.
Flavio Insinna, the fears of war and the economic crisis: his words are very touching
Flavio Insinna (Ansa Foto)
Speaking on behalf of the migrants, academy student Gigi Proietti said: “We all want another chance in life and it’s shameful that it’s not given to everyone. In recent years, a network has not been built, a real model of inclusion”.
The war in Ukraine cannot fail to be at the center of all current attention. Insinna became acquainted with this country, having acted as a commentator at Eurovision in 2017 in kyiv.
“To think that where there was music, parties, people with flags of all the countries of Europe, today people are killing each other, it’s madness”.
Among other things, the well-known face of Rai1 is known to be an emergency volunteer, in addition to being particularly attentive in his life to social events.
“Peace is that nobody shoots anybody, nobody kills children, nobody forces families to flee.” His wish is that of all of us.