Surely you have tasted tomato sauce or meat sauce several times and noticed a slight acidic aftertaste in your mouth. Unfortunately, this often happens, especially when the tomato puree is not freshly prepared, but previously packaged, bottled to understand each other. This particular phenomenon is due to the acidity of the tomato. Indeed, tomatoes are acidic by nature, but you’re in luck, because thanks to this simple grandmother’s trick that we will reveal to you later, your sauce will become soft and tasty again.
Here’s what to do to be able to effectively remove acidity from tomato sauce, quickly and easily. The secret is to add a pinch of baking soda to the sauce in the recipe, before the sauce reaches cooking. (there are various remedies among social networks but this is the one I found the most effective among those tested). To check with your own eyes that the trick works, you have to pay attention to the formation of small bubbles on the surface of the sauce. This chemical reaction is completely normal, in fact, it proves that the baking soda is doing its job by eliminating the acidity of the mash.
After the appearance of bubbles, continue cooking for at least 20 minutes. Some tend to be wary of this practice, as they believe the baking soda can somehow change the flavor of the dish, but I can assure you that it doesn’t, no weird flavors will be released. Be careful, do not exaggerate with the dosage, a very small dose (a pinch) is really enough. Alternatively, if the tomato sauce is fresh, just made (so the acidity is very low compared to bottled sauce), we can eliminate it altogether by adding a drop of milk. But be careful not to overdo it, because milk, unlike baking soda, could alter the flavor of the dish.
Milk is not the only way to counter the low acidity of fresh tomatoes, in fact, sugar can also be used. Just add a pinch of sugar to get full coverage of that annoying sour taste. Like I said, the sugar will only cover the acidity, not counteract it. Therefore, I advise you to always add a pinch of baking soda, as well as basic ingredients like sugar and salt. I hope you liked this little trick from grandma on how to eliminate or cover the acidity of tomato, do not waste time and try it, once you have done it you can’t go back.