New attack against Rosalinda Cannavò. In fact, on social networks, the haters were unleashed against the ex gieffina: which started everything.
There is no peace for Rosalinda Cannavò, who has again been targeted by haters on her social profiles. In fact, there are several negative comments against him on Instagram: here’s what happened.
Influencer targeted again on social media (Via Screenshot)
In these hours, Rosalinda Cannavò has decided to adopt a hard fist against her enemies. Indeed, the latter write to him daily in public and in private offensive comments. So, in the last few hours, the actress has decided to publish the screens of the words that the most unpleasant and disrespectful users write to them every day. Sometimes it’s offensive comments even against his better half Andrea Zenga.
Some took the liberty of sending genuine personal attacks to Rosalinda Cannavò, while others used passive-aggressive comments. Some haters invited her to continue her studies after the experience on Tale and Which Show was over. As always, the classic sexist and misogynistic comments were not lacking, as well as of course the inevitable bodyshaming. In short, all these negative comments caused Rosalinda to react publicly.
Rosalinda Cannavò intransigent against the haters: “You make me laugh”
Artist Rosalinda Cannavò in a snapshot of a promotional campaign for a famous clothing brand (source: Instagram).
After reporting all the shameful words against her, Rosalinda Cannavò decided to respond publicly on Instagram with a long post. In fact, inside it reads: “How much you make me laugh with your pseudo-harassment. I laughed a lot so thank you very much. But first I want to say something to those who write certain things” – he continued – “In my opinion, my humble opinion, you will not have much from life precisely because you want to continue to write that of others”.
The actress also wanted to claim her successes, writing: “Fortunately and thanks to so much effort, I am a girl who derives a lot of satisfaction from it. Now I give you advice: do the same, live your life”. Just a few days ago, the actress had the opportunity to respond to other virulent criticisms that had fallen on her. In fact, haters hadn’t missed an opportunity to critique her book (The Reflection of Me), once again finding the actress’s harsh response.