The Ones Who Live is a post-apocalyptic horror show that’s been gaining the attention of the audience. The continuation of the show is quite a curiosity...
Blue Beetle has been one of the first forays of DC into the Latino space by having a Latin American superhero and an entire cast filled...
Planning to watch another gripping story of The Woman In The Wall season 2? The Woman In The Wall is a thrilling show starring Ruth Wilson...
Waiting for the release of Monsieur Spade season 2? We understand your curiosity. In the show, Sam Spade is living in a small town and retired....
Executed by French critics for lack of commitment to reality in Emily in Paris, Darren Star revealed that he wrote the series because he dreamed of...
In the bustling metropolis of Sydney, where innovation meets aesthetics, the demand for finely crafted entertainment units has soared. As the focal point of our living...
In an interview with Collider, Sigourney Weaver, who plays the iconic Ellen Ripley, was asked about her favorite movie in the “ Alien ” franchise. Unsurprisingly,...
The ‘Stargirl’ Season 2 premiere takes place on August 10, and now The CW has released the official poster for the upcoming cycle. The beautiful poster...
When “Suicide Squad” hit theaters in 2016, high expectations about the project faded on the first weekend, when audiences realized the size of the bomb they...
In this article we will talk about one of the most loved and consumed canned foods by all Italians: tuna. Admittedly, this choice is dictated by...