Weather, still abnormal heat in Italy: an autumn never seen before. At least until Thursday October 20 clear skies and rising temperatures
On paper it’s October but it at least looks like May, all over Italy. Because the week started with an anticyclone and abnormal heat. A mild condition that will last a few days, in the North and in the Center at least until Thursday the 20th, while in the South it will go even further.
Weather, still abnormally hot in Italy (Pixabay)
In practice, the North African anticyclone that envelops the entire Mediterranean area is back, thus guaranteeing resolutely mild daytime temperatures and stable weather even if it is not sunny everywhere. Faced with this, the mornings will be characterized instead by intense fogs in the Po Valley and in the valleys of central Italy.
In the second part of the week, however, the anticyclone will loosen its grip starting from the North. This is why from the evening of Thursday 20 and at least for the next 24 hours there will be a gradual increase in cloudiness with the return of the rains, sometimes even intense.
It is difficult to make a longer-term forecast, but the expert charts predict generally stable conditions also for the next week. So here we are at the Halloween weekend with an Italy affected by decidedly abnormal but positive weather.
Weather, still abnormal heat in Italy: an unprecedented autumn and highs of up to 26°
Let’s go into the details and start as usual with northern Italy. The morning mists over the hours will instead give way to stable conditions that will bring sunshine and temperatures well above seasonal averages. Indeed, they will register 25th in Bologna, 24th in Milan and Turin.
Similar situation in the central regions and in Sardinia. Here too, clear skies throughout the day, with the difference that there will not even be any fog to contend with. Strong sunshine that will bring temperatures of 25° in Florence and 26° in Rome, unheard of in previous years. The weather situation remains stable (Pixabay)
Finally, in the south, including Sicily, few harmless clouds over Salento and conditions of total stability in all other areas. Also in this case, the 25th who will be registered in Palermo as well as in Naples stands out.