Season 2 of “The Witcher” premiered on Netflix on December 17th, and shortly after the final episode of the cycle, the streaming giant released the first official teaser for “The Witcher: Blood Origin”, a spin-off series. highly anticipated which debuts scheduled for 2022.
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A teaser has been released for The Witcher: Blood Origin
– r / NetflixWitcher (@netflixwitcher) December 17, 2021
The new series will have six episodes.
In addition to Lenny Henry playing Balor, the cast includes Jacob Collins Levy (Eredin, King of the Wild Hunt), Mirren Mack (Merwyn), Lenny Henry (Balor), Lizzie Annis (Zacaré), Huw Novelli (Callan “Brother). Death “), Francesca Mills (Meldof), Amy Murray (Fenrik), Nathaniel Curtis (Brian), Zach Wyatt (Syndril) and Dylan Moran (Uthrok One-Nut).
They are joined by previously announced actors Laurence O’Fuarain (Fjall), Sophia Brown (Éile) and Michelle Yeoh (Scían).
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Sarah O’Gorman (‘The Last Kingdom’) and Vicky Jewson (‘Born of War’) will direct the episodes.
The production will take place in an elven world, 1,200 years before the events starring Geralt of Rivia (Henry Cavill) – and will show the creation of the first wizard.
“Blood Origin will tell a lost story – the origin of the first wizard and the events that led to the crucial conjunction of the spheres, when the world of monsters, men and elves merged into one. “
Andrzej Sapkowski, author of the books, will be the creative advisor for the series.