Acclaimed filmmaker Quentin Tarantino is expected to be the next well-known director to migrate to television, along with David Fincher with ‘Mindhunter’ and Guillermo del Toro with ‘Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities’.
That’s because the name behind the classic “Pulp Fiction” (1994) has said he intends to direct an eight-episode miniseries, which is set to debut next year.
According to Variety, Tarantino hasn’t revealed much about how the production will be, but through his auteur vein, we already know what to expect. Recalling that the filmmaker had already announced that he would be involved in a special ‘Star Trek’ film.
It is important to note that Quentin Tarantino has already participated in other productions for television, directing an episode of ‘CSI: Criminal Investigation’, and another of ‘ER: Emergency Room’. We are waiting for more details!
It is good to remember that, recently, he said that the cinema is going through its worst phase. That the era isn’t just bad, it’s also the worst since the 1980s or 1950s, come to think of it.
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“Even though the 80s was probably the period I saw the most movies in my life – at least as far as cinema goes – I feel like 80s cinema is, with the years 50, the worst in Hollywood history. Just like the current one!”, declared the filmmaker.
Tarantino said any “employee” could direct a movie, given the lack of personality most have these days.
Even so, Tarantino said he loves “Top Gun: Maverick” and “Amor, Sublime Amor.” The director said both movies gave him an experience in theaters he never thought he’d get again, especially given the current storyline.
“Normally I don’t talk about new movies a lot because I have to say only good things, but in this particular case I loved Top Gun: Maverick. I thought it was fantastic. I saw it in the cinema. It was, as our mutual good friend Brett Easton Ellis says, this film and Love, Great Love (by Steven Spielberg), provided a real cinematic spectacle, which I never thought I would see again . It was fantastic!” said Tarantino, visibly moved.
Let’s wait and see what the cult director’s next job will be, in order to improve the quality of films in Hollywood. Do you agree with him?