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‘Spider-Man’: Tom Holland reveals he’d love to make spinoff movie with MJ and Ned



Tom Holland became an icon of contemporary cinema as he starred in the new “Spider-Man” franchise, quickly climbing to unspeakable fame.

Now, in a recent interview with Nerdist, Holland revealed that he already has some ideas for spinoff productions from the saga – and would love to see a spinoff film that explores how Peter Parker, MJ (Zendaya) and Ned (Jacob Batalon) came together. met.

“We would like to do a short film or something with younger actors to explore how [Peter, Ned e MJ] met for the first time, ”he commented. “May be [Peter e Ned] they got bullied at school and MJ shows up and saves the day or something, and then we were like “wow!” This is how they became friends! Because we really don’t know, it’s open to public interpretation, I believe.

According to a new report from Variety, “Spider-Man: No Return Home,” the third chapter in the new franchise, is set to become the biggest opening of a movie in the era of the pandemic, with an estimated income. of not less than 150 million US dollar. Sony Pictures’ projections also reiterate the high box office, showing $ 130 million in gross revenue – while some more optimistic analysts believe the film could make $ 175 million when it debuts (via

Remember that the biggest first title of the pandemic era still belongs to “Venom: Carnage Time,” which opened for $ 90 million during its launch weekend in October of this year. year.

As if its financial success weren’t enough, ‘Sem Volta Para Casa’ also garnered countless praise from specialist critics, starting with 97% approval in Rotten Tomatoes, who applauded the narrative, performances and directed by Jon Watts.

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Check out the main comments below:

“’No Return Home’ includes key to Spider-Man’s allure” – ScreenCrush.

“Great surprises exploit some of the story’s more lopsided aspects” – Fresh Fiction.

“At its heart, ‘Spider-Man: No Return Home’ is a movie about friendship… I loved and loved Peter Parker and all of his friends” –

“The first and second acts are quite messy, but the third goes well and offers an exciting adventure” – Bleeding Cool.

“’Spider-Man: No Return Home’ is best enjoyed by people who have seen previous movies. It’s full of nostalgia and jokes inside” – Culture Mix.

Watch our interview with star Tom Holland and follow CinePOP on YouTube:

He also spoke about how he handled rumors of Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire’s return, and how he learned not to give spoilers.

“Spider-Man: No Return Home” Opens With MAXIMUM RT Approval; Check out the reviews!

The film is released on December 16 in national cinemas.

For the first time in Spider-Man cinematic history, our friendly neighborhood hero is exposed and can no longer separate his normal life from the big risks of being a superhero. When he asks Doctor Strange for help, the risks become even more dangerous and force him to find out what it really means to be Spider-Man.

Directed again by Jon Watts, the cast includes Tom Holland, Zendaya, Benedict Cumberbatch, Marisa Tomei, JK Simmons, Jamie Foxx, Alfred Molina, Martin Starr and Jacob Batalon.

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