
Packing Tips for Maximum Efficiency the



Learning how to save space in a suitcase saves you time and money while traveling. It also makes your trip more enjoyable, as you’re not constantly sifting through your luggage to find what you need. How do you pack a suitcase like a seasoned travel pro? Follow these eight efficient packing tips. 

Never Pack in a Rush

Packing in a mad dash the night before is never efficient. Set aside a calm hour of time for each bag you have to pack. This might seem like overkill, but you can organize and make decisions much easier when not under time constraints. Put on calming music or a favorite TV show to make packing thoughtfully less of a chore.

Lay Out What You Need… Then Make Edits

Many people start packing by stuffing folded clothes into their bags. The problem with this strategy is that it’s difficult to see what you’re packing or take items out that you don’t need.

Instead, set out everything you plan on taking on your floor or bed. Look over your selection, and you’re sure to find unnecessary items you can put back in the closet.

Use Packing Cubes

Packing cubes are miniature bags that fit perfectly inside a suitcase. You can find packing cubes for carry-on luggage as well as full-sized luggage. These cubes organize your bag and make it easier to pack, as you can zip each individual bag closed to quickly contain its contents. 

Try Solid Bar Toiletries

No one wants to arrive at their destination with shampoo-covered clothes. This leads some people to pack all of their toiletries in a lined compartment or wrap them in plastic. These strategies aren’t a great use of space. 

Instead, choose solid bar toiletries for traveling. Shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste and more come in easy-to-pack bars just like bar soap does. You also won’t have to worry about any volume restrictions on liquids.

Choose Squishable Fabrics

Some fabrics squish down better than others. Limit knitwear and heavy outerwear in favor of collapsible down jackets backpackers favor to save serious space. Linen, cotton and other natural fabrics incorporate plenty of air for a squishable weave. Thin wrinkle-resistant polyester is also a traveler’s best friend.

Try Reversible Items

Reversible clothing items let you pack two outfits in one piece. A wrap dress is the perfect reversible pick for women, as it’s both comfortable and easy to pack because of the lack of structured seams. Blazers and formal jackets can take up plenty of space in suitcases, so try a reversible look for these as well.

Use an All-In-One Charging Brick and Cables

Electronics take up both space and weight in a suitcase. Instead of packing multiple types of chargers and cables for all of your devices, invest in a singular charging brick and multi-headed cables. This has the added benefit of ensuring you never forget a key charger.

Every minute you spend packing efficiently saves you time and hassle at your destination. Set aside time to prune your selections, make sure to compare your bag against a luggage size chart, and consider space-saving tricks for your next trip.

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