Vaccines against the Covid pandemic are once again appearing in Italian politics and the controversy is immediately reignited. Certain statements by the new Under-Secretary of State for Health, Marcello Gemmato, on the effectiveness of the preparations have the opposition crying out with indignation: “He is not moving away from no vax”.
The PD, together with secretary Enrico Letta, is asking for his resignation and hopes that Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni will distance herself. The same goes for Carlo Calenda, leader of Action. The political storm over Gemmato’s positions on Covid is mounting with various members of the opposition questioning the Prime Minister and Health Minister Orazio Schillaci. The under-secretary himself, a member of the Brothers of Italy, intervenes with a note. And he specifies that his remarks were “decontextualized and easily exploited by the opposition”.
The Undersecretary of Health, Marcello Gemmato. Ansa/Rai photo
But what did Gemmato say about Covid? Last night, November 14, during the TV show on Rai Due Restart-L’Italia restart from you, the new undersecretary said that “for much of the pandemic, Italy was first in terms of mortality and third in terms of lethality, so I don’t see those great results being achieved.” To the observation of the deputy director of Corriere della Sera Aldo Cazzullo, that “without vaccines it would perhaps have been worse”, Gemmato replied: “You say it. We don’t have the reversal of the burden of proof. But I don’t fall into the trap of arguing for or against vaccines.”
“Gemmato Goes Away”
Statements that angered the opposition. “An Undersecretary of Health who denies Covid vaccines cannot stay in office,” Dem Secretary Enrico Letta wrote in a tweet. “Gemmato must resign” writes in turn Carlo Calenda of the Third Pole. “An undersecretary of health who doesn’t distance himself from no vax is definitely in the wrong place.”
Vaccinations in Milan. Photo Ansa/Matteo Corner
The leader of the Left-Green Alliance, Nicola Fratoianni, also spoke. “I imagine and hope – says Fratoianni – that in the next few minutes Professor Schillaci, Minister of Health, will distance himself from his undersecretary for the nonsense he says on television.” “If it wasn’t, it would be a slap in the face to the scientific community in our country. A slap in the face to the thousands of doctors and health personnel who have fought against the pandemic for two years. “An undersecretary like this – concludes Fratoianni – Italy certainly does not deserve it.”
“Vaccines? Precious Weapons”
“Vaccines are precious weapons” Marcello Gemmato then corrected the situation following the controversy. “I am amazed by the exploitation that the opposition has mounted in recent hours regarding some of my statements made yesterday during the Re-Start program on Rai 2. I have always supported the validity of vaccines and the ability that they have to protect especially the most fragile, “he said in a note on the Covid. “As undersecretary of health and representative of the FdI – he added – I want clear the field of biased and ideological interpretations. The parliamentary activity of these years clearly and consistently testifies to my position and that of the FdI. We have moved from emergency to coexistence with the virus also thanks to vaccines, now is the time to look to the future.”
Health Minister Orazio Schillaci. Photo Ansa/Chigi