Legendary Fiona Apple did well in the 2021 Grammy Awards pre-ceremony categories and won no less than two gold gramophones.
Apple won the award for Best Alternative Album for the flawless “Fetch the Bolt Cutters”, while “Shameika”, the production’s first single, won the “Best Rock Performance” statuette.
Criticism | ‘Fetch the Bolt Cutters’ is the best album of the year (and Fiona Apple’s masterpiece)
Their fourth studio album was released on April 17 of this year and became the highest rated of the year, reaching an almost perfect score of 98/100 on Metacritic, including a rare top score from the Pitchfork website (the vehicle’s second in ten years ).
Apple released their first studio album in 1996 called “Tidal”. Since then, he has made a name for himself with impeccable productions, taking a brief break in his career in 2012 with “The Idler Wheel…”.