The Chosen is a Christian historical show that has captivated the attention of the audience. This is the first multi-season show that follows both the life...
Via Twitter, Globo Filmes announced that the first film in the ‘Doctor Gama’ cinebriography will be released in national cinemas on July 29. Directed by Jeferson...
‘Respect: The Story of Aretha Franklin’ is one of the most anticipated titles of the year and the first international reviews are now available. On Rotten...
The new biographical series ‘Maradona: Conquista de um Sonho’, which follows the trajectory of the world football icon, is now available on Amazon Prime Video. The...
David Bowie’s biopic, titled ‘Stardust’, is now available on the TeleCine platform. The production – which has received heavy criticism from the press and the public...
‘Xingu’, a biopic directed by Cao Hamburger (‘Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum’), is now available on Netflix. The production was released today, October 17, on the streaming platform. The...
Claude Monet, recognized as the most impressionist among the Impressionists, is considered one of the founders of the movement, for having inspired its name. His work...
Planning to catch up on Dark Winds season 3 after the thrilling cliffhanger? We will explore if another season is on the cards. Dark Winds is...
Cruel Summer is a mystery thriller anthology show that follows the story of Kate’s mysterious abduction. She’s a popular girl and an outcast Jeannette is accused...
Are you waiting for another thrilling ride? Silo is a science fiction dystopian show and is based on the Silo trilogy. The audiences are waiting for...