An incredible detail about Can Yaman shocked all his followers. In fact, now it looks like it’s really over.
Can Yaman shocked fans with the latest details popping up on social media. In fact, now it really seems to be over. So let’s find out what happened and what the future of the Turkish actor will be.
The actor pictured on Instagram (via screenshot)
Can Yaman and Francesca Chillemi have both stopped following each other on Instagram. A news that has alarmed all fans, especially for fans of the Viola Come il Mare series. Canale 5’s primetime drama is now heading to the grand finale of the first season and the second season has already been confirmed and announced. However, this gesture of the two actors made all the viewers tremble. The TV series did not register amazing numbers, despite this, it managed to reach 2.8 million viewers in prime time, a share of 16%.
Rather positive figures if we think that we must also add these to those of the flows of the Mediaset Infinity platform. The final assessment of the series produced by LuxVide is therefore rather positive, to the point that the second season has already been confirmed. The new episodes are already being written. Despite this, to see the second chapter of the television series on air with Can Yaman and Francesca Chillemi, it will be necessary to wait until the next 2024. Mediaset has confirmed the series, but the social movement of the two actors has made viewers wary. and not little.
Can Yaman and Francesca Chillemi stop following each other: Viola Come il Mare 2 in danger?
What happened between the two actors (via Ansa Foto)
As widely anticipated, what worries fans is the move of Can Yaman and Francesca Chillemi who have stopped following each other on social media. Indeed, the two actors, who until a few weeks ago shared photos of the filming of the fiction together, began to ignore each other on Instagram, until the dreaded “defollow”. The gesture obviously did not go unnoticed in the eyes of the followers. It is therefore possible that behind the following deletions there are surprising differences between the two.
Now, fans are wondering if this situation could jeopardize the future of the television series and therefore the new episodes of the second season. For the moment, Can Yaman and Francesca Chillemi have chosen not to comment on the news. The two actors haven’t said a word about why they stopped following each other on social media, so now viewers just have to wait.