It’s the consumption of Amazon Alexa at home, in a period of high energy bills
Economic times are very difficult for all Italian consumers. The cost of living is skyrocketing and in particular energy bills have reached unsustainable figures.
Amazon Alexa devices (Facebook photo)
It is therefore urgent to properly assess the costs and consumption of each individual object. For example, household appliances or lights in your homes should be used sparingly and with more care.
It is precisely in this sense that a curiosity arises. How much do home assistive devices, like Alexa, consume? These electronic devices can lead to an extra cost on the electricity bills and therefore must also be managed with particularities.
Alexa costs on the electricity bill: tips for not spending too much per month
Alexa is a now famous device, launched by Amazon and connected to the Internet, which can help anyone with household chores and also act as a talking diary to remember what to do at home and buy.
Like almost all electronic devices, Alexa needs to be charged. Even if it does not work stably, Amazon’s talking cars keep standby as long as it is connected to electricity. These have a power of 3W and consume about 26 Kwh per year.
By itself, the cost of Alexa and similar consumer devices is not very high. It is estimated at about 8 euros more per year, an affordable expense that would be added to the rest of the consumption of computer products often connected to electricity. The Expensive Bill Still Holds the Meter (via WebSource)
As for devices that are not on standby, the consumption depends on the type of device. Alexa, for example, equipped with a series of high-performance devices and which in some cases also have a screen. If they are in operation, these devices can consume more if they are on standby, whereas normal consumption is around 10 euros per year for Alexa without a screen. An active screen, on the other hand, can increase the cost of consumption, even reaching 15 euros per year.
The figures mentioned do not exaggerate, which are certainly not the main protagonists of expensive bills. But the advice is to disconnect these devices from power overnight and when you are away from home.