Alfonso Signorini rejected without appeal: his choices are not convincing. Controversies and decisions made on the fly move everyone
Like a ticking time bomb that exploded in your hand. This is the impression that the cast of Big Brother Vip 7, also selected by Alfonso Signorini, gave from the start. A master at investigating other people’s feelings, but this time maybe he overdid it.
Alfonso Signorini dismissed without appeal (Mediaset screenshot)
The confirmation has arrived at this time with unequivocal data, those relating to the TV audiences of Thursday, October 6, 2022. In particular those of the First Evening which delivered a very clear verdict, a bit like when the public of reality TV participates in the televoting.
The most watched program was the fiction Rai 1 Imma Tataranni – Deputy Prosecutor with 4,328,000 viewers or 23.9%. Instead, on Canale 5, the sixth episode of Grande Fratello Vip 7 totaled 2,761,000 viewers, or a 21.3% share. However, there was no history compared to the rest of the competition. On La7 Piazza Pulita attracted 703,000 spectators with a share of 4.8%, on Tv8 the Hearts-Fiorentina match of the Conference League 853,000 spectators with 4.3% and on Nove the first episode of Only Fun – Comico Show ( with Elettra Lamborghini) 462,000 spectators with 2.5%. Similar data on Sky Uno for X Factor which obtained 461,000 viewers with 2.4%.
Alfonso Signorini rejected without appeal: Mediaset redid in other bands
How did the other slots of the day go? In Access Prime Time on Rai 1 Soliti Ignoti dominated with 4,467,000 spectators and 21.3% while on Canale 5 Striscia la Notizia with the Siani-Incontrada couple stopped at 3,721,000 spectators with a share of 17, 8%. On Rai 3, Il Cavallo e la Torre reached 1,597,000 spectators (7.7%) and Un Posto al Sole gathered 1,566,000 spectators (7.4%). On Rete 4 Tonight Italy instead 963,000 spectators (4.7%) in the first part and 796,000 spectators (3.8%) in the second. On La 7 Otto e Mezzo 1,414,000 spectators (6.7%).
In the Preseral on Rai 1 Reaction a Catena won with 4,312,000 spectators (27%) beating on Canale 5 Caduta Libera with 2,972,000 spectators (19.3%). On Rete 4 Tempesta d’Amore attracted 808,000 listeners (4.2%) and on La7 the game show Lingo with Caterina Balivo 140,000 viewers (0.9% share). The four new “classic” tronists of Men and Women (Facebook)
Finally, the daytime afternoon on Rai1 Oggi è un Altro Giorno gathered 1,374,000 spectators with 14.5% followed by Il Paradiso delle Signore with 1,615,000 spectators with 21.4%. Then La Vita en Diretta with 1,810,000 spectators for 21.1%.
On Canale 5 Beautiful, it was seen by 2,459,000 viewers with 20.4%, Una Vita 2,186,000 viewers with 19.7% share and Men and Women by 2,500,000 viewers with 26.9%. The band of Friends fell to 1,634,000 spectators with 21.7% and the day of Grande Fratello Vip 7 to 1,524,000 spectators with 20.5%. Finally, Un Altro Domani with 1,172,000 spectators equals a 16% share and Afternoon Cinque with 1,460,000 spectators for 17.3%.
Canale 5 gives up, shattering decision: the fault of Milly Carlucci