The Marvel Universe has managed to create a beautiful world of heroes idolized around the world. But many heroes were raised by parents who made mistakes.
The 9 Worst Parents Ever
Doctor Strange. The classic example of how much a parent can love their children, but there are many times when that relationship can easily turn toxic. Some children become adults and “heal” from trauma and negative experiences with their parents, while others unfortunately do not have the opportunity. Hank Pim. The way he handled his wife’s death ended up doing more harm than good to his daughter. Instead of spending time with Hope and making sure they grieve together, he chose to become a hermit away from his daughter’s life. Howard Stark. He too was an absent father in Tony Stark’s life. He never had the opportunity to regain the relationship with his son. Because of this, Tony as an adult became full of insecurities, hidden by an inflated ego, arrogance and stubbornness. Xu Wenwu. She pushed her son to physical limits in an attempt to make him a killer, but constantly reiterates that it’s her fault he didn’t protect his mother. At the end of Guardians of the Galaxy Volume II, Yondu has a ransom of what he was before but we can’t forget all the deeds he did towards his son Peter Quill.Odino. This fueled the conflict between the brothers Thor and Loki, fueling Thor’s arrogance and always creating a comparison to the other’s Ego. Without doubt one of the most ruthless and insensitive characters. He’s also the worst parent – which can be said with certainty not only in the way he treated Peter and all of his children.
Wendy Spector. The fifth episode of Moon Knight certainly destroyed all fans for the real emotional carnage.
Thanos. Wins Worst Parent Award. He tortured his children under the guise of training them, with Nebula bearing most of the trauma, as the father loved pitting Gamora and Nebula against each other. Thanos between Nebula and Gamora –
It’s not until the end of Infinity War that we realize that Thanos definitely loved Gamora and Nebula, in his own way. Gamora realizing her father truly loved her just before throwing her off the cliff remains one of Marvel’s most tragic moments.
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