According to Deadline, the classic thriller “Rabid Dogs” (Rabid Dogs), from genre master Mario Bava (“Mansion of Death”), will receive a new remake.
Samuel Franco and Evan Kilgore will be responsible for the script for the new version.
The site claims the writers are updating the original script, removing sexist tones from the production. Apparently, this is the first film in a planned trilogy.
In the original plot …
After a robbery, three violent criminals take three hostages – a young girl, a middle-aged man and her son – as they try to escape the police.
Alfredo Leone, producer of the original film, will return as executive producer.
Filming is scheduled to take place in 2022, with the opening slated for 2023.
Enjoy watching:
Recall that the suspense had already won a French remake in 2015, directed by Eric Hannezo. Conquering critics, the feature earned 75% approval on Rotten Tomatoes.