On June 21, the underestimated animation “The Hunchback of Notre-Dame” celebrates its twenty-five years. Released in 1996, the film generated considerable excitement as it was a darker production than other Walt Disney titles, but it fell into popular taste, gaining a legion of followers who still celebrate it today. ‘hui.
In the story, inspired by the novel of the same name by Victor Hugo, a hunchback named Quasimodo, who lives in the famous Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris, falls head over heels in love with a gypsy named Esmeralda – but things are not so easy that they seem and attract the wrath of a diabolical archdeacon named Claude Frollo.
Celebrating the importance of the feature film, CinePOP has separated a list of 10 behind-the-scenes curiosities. You can also consult our article analyzing the themes brought by the work by clicking here!
For the sequence in which Frollo sings the iconic “Hellfire” and sees Esmeralda dancing in the fire in front of him, the Motion Picture Association urged Disney animators to define the character’s clothing more clearly because she appeared naked. It should be remembered that the song is considered one of the darkest in the Casa Mouse pantheon and was almost cut from the film.
Although he is an archdeacon in the original novel, Frollo is portrayed as a judge in the animated adaptation. The filmmakers decided to change the character, as they believed he would be more sinister controlling the city and therefore would not be called into question in his attempts to kill the gypsies.
The musical opening number, “The Bells of Notre Dame”, is, according to songwriter Alan Menken, the best opening number he has ever written.
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When Quasimodo sings “Out There”, the camera wanders around Paris and zooms in on a street. In the scene, Belle from ‘Beauty and the Beast’ appears, walking and reading a book; Pumbaa, from ‘The Lion King’, carried by two men on a pole; and a man in a blue robe and swinging the ‘Aladin’ rug.
The film marked the last role of veteran Mary Wickes, who played Gargoyle Laverne. Wickes even died before he finished the lines and a replacement, Jane Withers, was hired to record them.
Esmeralda wore a red dress at the Festival of Fools, but the color red is actually considered bad luck for the Gypsy people. This may have been put on to represent his conflict with Frollo during the narrative. In addition, the purple belt around her waist refers to the fucking Babylon.
Victor, Hugo and Laverne are never called gargoyles in the film. Indeed, although they are commonly referred to as such, they are grotesques – statues of demons and monsters placed in churches to scare away evil spirits. Gargoyles of Truth are hollow and used to drain rainwater.
Quasimodo’s mother dies after being pushed to the ground and being attacked by Frollo’s guards. In the original novel, this is how Esmeralda dies.
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