
You Should Choose Limepack as your Takeaway Packaging Supplier



Do you own a business where takeaway is part of the concept? In that case, you will need takeaway packaging. Not only do you need packaging, but you also need packaging with a unique design that represents your company. This way, you can create a stylish and memorable impression.

At Limepack, you can create a professional design on your takeaway packaging. This gives an elegant and professional expression when you hand over takeaway across the counter.

Get help from professional designers

When you choose Limepack as your supplier of takeaway packaging, you can get help from their professional designers. Maybe the visual aspect is not your strongest suit – and that’s okay. In that case, you can confidently leave the task to Limepack’s sharp team of experts.

Even if you leave the design task to Limepack, you still get the opportunity to see and approve the design before it is finally produced. In fact, the company gives you the chance to see your design in 3D. This way, you can get an accurate picture of how the design will look on your packaging.

Price guarantee on your product

Limepack can help create the most aesthetically pleasing design for packaging. They also ensure that you get the best prices on the market. In fact, they are so committed to giving you the best possible price that they have a 105% price guarantee.

This means that if you can find the same packaging cheaper with a competitor, you get the entire difference and 5% of the price back. Therefore, you can trust that Limepack always gives you the absolute best prices on packaging with logo and print.

Swift delivery

In addition to a sharp design and even sharper prices, Limepack also offers lightning-fast delivery. They understand the importance of your business having packaging in stock quickly. Therefore, you do not have to wait long for the packaging when you order it from Limepack.

You also don’t have to worry about shipping costs. The company always offers you free shipping. This means that you can eliminate the shipping cost of packaging from your business budget.

Remember Limepack the next time you need takeaway packaging for your business.

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