According to The Wrap, the classic animated series “X-Men: The Animated Series” will see a revival on the Disney + streaming service, which will be titled “X-Men ’97”.
The new series will pick up where the original production left off.
The production will feature the returning voices of Cal Dodd, Lenore Zann, George Buza, Adrian Hough, Christopher Britton, Catherine Disher, Chris Potter, Alison Sealy-Smith and Alyson Court, as well as Jennifer Hale, Anniwaa Buachie, Ray Chase, Matthew Waterson, JP Karliak, Holly Chou, Jeff Bennett and AJ LoCascio.
Beau DeMayo will be responsible for the screenplay as well as executive producer.
Production is expected to start in 2023.
“X-Men: The Animated Series” was released in 1992 on Fox Kids Network, where it ran for five seasons.