
Will the government end the half-fare ticket? Not in São Paulo!



The São Paulo government has vetoed the bill that called for an end to half-price tickets to cinemas and cultural events for students and the elderly.

The veto was signed by the president of the Legislative Assembly of São Paulo, MP Carlão Pignatari (PSDB), who is acting governor due to the trip of João Doria (PSDB) abroad.

In other Brazilian states, the ANCINE (National Film Agency) and the Ministry of the Economy are still studying the end of the half-price ticket policy. The agency in question recently opened a public plea on the feasibility and effects of the mandatory policy. The ME was in favor of canceling these cultural rights.

According to ANCINE itself, this articulation came in response to the decline in sales of full-value tickets – the percentage of which was isolated at just 21.6% last year.

The president of Alesp has declared that the project is unconstitutional, since federal law guarantees the right to the benefit.

“The bill, by prohibiting establishments from establishing maximum quotas for half-price tickets, as well as by prohibiting the granting of half-price tickets for specific categories of tickets (Article 2), is Nor does it comply with federal legislation, which ensures the benefit of 40% of the total tickets available for each event. It was concluded that the matter is sufficiently disciplined at the federal level, and that the project is incompatible with the general rules decreed by the Union.

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The half-fare policy was introduced in 2013 and concerns students, people with disabilities and low-income young people, aged 15 to 29. For the elderly, this right has existed since 2003 and is enshrined in the Statute for the Elderly.

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