
what is Giorgia Meloni working on



Giorgia Meloni, Matteo Salvini – Picture by Ansa Foto

The energy crisis and the formation of the team of ministers are the two issues on Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s table, while the entire centre-right is preparing for the government of the country.

Meloni: “The energy crisis is a European problem”

“The energy crisis is a European problem and must be treated as such. Italy’s brothers and conservatives argue that the real task of the EU should be to manage the big continental challenges that member states are struggling to address. Actions by individual states to exploit their strengths risk interfering with business competitiveness and creating distortions in the European single market. We will support any action aimed at combating speculative phenomena and unjustified increases in the cost of energy and we will support shared initiatives for concrete assistance to families and businesses”. So Giorgia Meloni on Facebook.

“We are working on expensive bills”

“We are mainly working on expensive bills, we have to figure out how to face the next three months,” the Fdi leader said at a Coldiretti event in Milan. “The European question is decisive because we cannot think that we will continue to give money to speculation indefinitely, we don’t have any. So the European question is fundamental, I am in contact every day with the outgoing government to try to understand then what the point of decline is”.

The team of ministers: the eligible names of the League

Meloni is also working on building the team of ministers, with the aim of finding a square in the balance of representation between centre-right parties. At the Federal Council of the League, during which full confidence in Matteo Salvini was renewed, names were also pronounced for certain departments such as the Interior, Infrastructure, Tourism, Disability, Regional Affairs. The names of the Carroccio candidates, in addition to that of the former Minister of the Interior who could be indicated in the same soil, are Gian Marco Centinaio (Agriculture), Edoardo Rixi (Infrastructure) and Erika Stefani (Regional Affairs).

The full ministers of Forza Italia

As for the Forza Italia ministers, Antonio Tajani would be in the running for Foreign Affairs or Defense. Then there are Licia Ronzulli, Paolo Barelli and Alessandro Cattaneo. Ignazio La Russa would also be president of the Senate.

Meloni could grant the allies the presidency of the two chambers

For a few hours, the hypothesis has been circulating that Giorgia Meloni could grant the presidency of the two chambers to the allies. Montecitorio at the League, directed perhaps by Giancarlo Giorgetti and Palazzo Madama at Forza Italia directed, perhaps, by Anna Maria Bernini.

The probable ministers of the Brothers of Italy

The eligible names for the Brothers of Italy are Gianbattista Fazzolari at Palazzo Chigi as under-secretary, Guido Crosetto at Mise, Raffaele Fitto at European Affairs, while Daniela Santaché could compete for tourism with the League. Adolfo Urso at Defense where he could have an agent for the control of security contracts.

Technicians from the Ministry of Health

There may also be a lack of technical ministers, to be included in key departments. According to Corriere della Sera, among the names are Guido Rasi, former director of the EMA, for Health, that of Francesco Rocca, president of the Red Cross and Andrea Mandelli (Federation of Italian pharmacist orders), outgoing deputy of Forza Italy.

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