
Weather, the African anticyclone knocks out autumn: extraordinary heat in Italy



The African anticyclone will sweep across the Italian peninsula in the next few hours. This situation will postpone the fall: all forecasts.

The anticyclonic rise will not find a stop in the next few hours. In fact, the warm currents of African origin will continue to envelop the whole country, bringing heat and temperatures unsuited to the period: what is happening.

Still hot on the Italian peninsula (Via Pixabay)

For the month of November, we are witnessing a turning point from the weather point of view. Indeed, the African anticyclone will continue to affect the weather over Italy in the coming days, but it could suffer an outage sooner than expected. The weather could deteriorate immediately after the All Saints’ Bridge with a return of the rains. A clear autumn period could therefore open with bad weather conditions in many regions. This change in weather could take place around November 3/4, as a series of disturbed North Atlantic inflows approach.

The anticyclone could rise towards the high latitudes, thus giving way to the entry of a downward disturbance over France and Italy, supported by colder air of polar-maritime origin. We will therefore have one of the most important weather patterns in terms of bad weather over Italy. The fall of the anticyclone will give way to a favorable period for rains, with bad weather and temperatures certainly more suited to the period.

Weather, very hot even on this Saturday: the forecasts

Weather, summer returns to Italy by Halloween (Pexels)

No change is expected at least until the end of the week, with the African High remaining the dominant figure in Mediterranean Europe and directly involving Italy. Also during this Saturday the weather will remain stable and generally sunny throughout Italy and only occasionally will it be possible to witness the passage of harmless cloud cover in the far south , triggered by a slight flow of currents from the north on the Ionian Sea. Regions. Let’s see in detail what is happening in the three main sectors.

Over the northern regions of Italy, we will have mainly sunny weather except for some fog that will disturb between night and early morning in the Po Valley, especially along the Po River. Temperatures will be stable , with maximum values ​​that will be stationary. between 21 and 25 degrees.

While in the central regions of Italy we will have a mostly sunny morning, except for local early morning mists or fogs over the inland plains and valley bottoms of Tuscany and Umbria. Here too, the thermal values ​​will be stationary, with limited maximums between 21 and 27 degrees.

Finally, in the south of Italy, we will have a mostly sunny situation, with the exception of a few harmless cumulations over the Ionian regions and Sicily. Elsewhere, on the other hand, no phenomenon is to be reported. Temperatures will drop slightly here, with highs ranging from 20 to 26 degrees.

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