The weather is changing more and more clearly. At the end of October, nights as hot as in the tropics follow one another in Genoa and Cagliari. Turin, Milan and Trieste are no less: the minimums at dawn reach 16 degrees.
The heat, abnormal for the end of autumn that we are experiencing, is felt particularly in Turin and Milan, where there is a difference from the average for the period of +10 degrees. For tropical nights, night periods with minimum temperatures above 20 degrees are indicated in climatology. It has happened these days also in Cagliari and Genoa, in the middle of autumn with typical tropical summer values. A heat which, according to meteorologists, will continue until the end of this month and probably also for the Pont de la Toussaint.
Photo Twitter @santa_slavina
The third of October brought by the Scipio Africanus anticyclone will begin. Even more obvious anomalies are not excluded: temperatures above the average for the period until mid-November. Especially in the Center-South. However, meteorologists have not yet confirmed this prediction.
Meteo, the exposed flank of the anticyclone
Antonio Sanò, of the website, however, remembers the other side of the coin. Due to the accumulated heat, intense rains affect the Alps and locally the Po Valley and Liguria. It is the open flank of the Scipio Africanus Anticyclone which firmly protects the South, the Center on the Adriatic side and leaves the rest of the Italian territory defenseless against storms. From Tuesday October 25, Scipione will return to impose itself everywhere, explain the meteorologists. October Third will last at least until the end of the month. In the meantime, and until Monday October 24, sunny weather will prevail in the North but there will be local precipitation.
Photo Ansa / Angela Rotini
In summary, in the next few hours we will have rains in the North and locally in the Center in Tuscany. On Sunday October 23, temperatures will be much warmer than average in Italy, except in the North where we will still have a few thunderstorms. Monday, October 24 will be warm with an improvement in the weather also in the North. And then the heat and the sun everywhere in the boot, except for the dense fogs in the Po Valley at night. A weather image which, excluding the fogs, could be typical of mid-June. Next week, the weather in Italy will break records for the third decade of October, that is to say the period from October 21 to 31. But locally we will also break monthly records for a year 2022 that is set to rewrite history as the hottest year since 1800.
Photo Ansa / Epa Adam Vaughan