Federica Sciarelli announced the very painful death that struck her and her family: a mourning difficult to explain
The beloved host of Who saw it has often shown a marked sensitivity that she puts on the ground on a daily basis with her show. Today, she faces a loss that has visibly upset her.
For years at the helm of the show Who saw it? this evening, Federica Sciarelli is again engaged in a new episode, as usual every Wednesday. Faced with this, she gave an interview to the weekly Nuovo in which she told a series of things, including a pain that has affected her deeply recently, the loss of Emma, their dog to whom they were very close : “Unfortunately, he died, she was twelve years old. After his death my son adopted a new dog, she is four months old and her name is Nina”.
A pain that not everyone can fully understand, let alone those who have never had pets or simply don’t like having one. After living so many years with an animal, it is difficult to part with it, just as if it were a son or a brother, so it leaves an impassable void.
Federica Sciarelli, is your last season at the direction of Qui l’a vu?
Federica Sciarelli (@Twitter)
Beyond her private life and the great loss, Federica Sciarelli in Nuovo has faced a theme that touches her every summer: the farewell to those who have seen him. The presenter herself ironically referred to this summertime rumor as a “hit”, like a hit released at the end of each season of the program itself. At the end he put a piece of it: “It’s very difficult for someone to want to leave their chair, but I had asked to change. They asked me to stay and I did it with great pleasure “.
The presenter is well aware of what her program represents for Rai and did not hide from admitting it: “Who has seen it is a flagship of the third Rai network” and, to demonstrate it, we are the audiences achieved from episode to episode that never seem to drop, but rather give great satisfaction to state television.