
this is what happens to our body if…



Pasta and beans are one of the dishes that most dominate our tables, especially during the winter period. It is a food capable of providing a great nutritional contribution, since it combines the carbohydrates of pasta and the proteins of beans. This dish guarantees that we are full of vitamins and proteins with a very low fat content, so it is also suitable for those who tend to be careful with what they eat to keep in shape.

Nutritionists doctors are true supporters of pasta and beans cooked with the old recipe of our grandparents: a dish that has always been considered poor is in fact rich in vegetable proteins that help our body to stay active. The old recipe should only be corrected on one thing, say the nutritionists: the doses. We know that our grandmothers have always seen us “spoiled” and with the portions they always let themselves go: good portions should contain about 70 grams of pasta, preferably whole, and 30 grams of legumes.

With these amounts we will take minerals such as iron, selenium, zinc and calcium in the correct amount so that our body can assimilate them properly. In addition to those listed above, consuming a plate of pasta and beans habitually has other benefits, such as helping us fight fatigue and making us happier. Let’s see together how. It is well known that legumes are an excellent source of iron, so for those who suffer from anemia, they are a very valuable ally to integrate iron into the body in a natural way.

Experts also recommend combining this dish with a source of vitamin C, such as raw vegetables or a salad, to help our body during the absorption phase. A lot to make children eat this dish, nicknamed beans “the legumes of good humor”: these, in fact, contain Vitamin B7 which is responsible for supporting our good mood. In addition to mental well-being, pasta and beans also take care of physical well-being by helping intestinal motility thanks to the many fibers they contain.

But the intestine is only one of the many organs affected by the action of beans: another notable action is exerted in the cardiovascular apartment. Beans contain special soluble fibers capable of counteracting the so-called “bad cholesterol” or LDL. To get this particular benefit, experts recommend taking adzuki beans, as they contain flavonoids and antioxidants that help fight oxidative stress.

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