Resentment is an extremely human feeling that is hardly foreign to our species as it defines contempt and hatred towards a subject tendentially after a form of negative contrast or confrontation. It is not an analogy with the vindictive feeling, because it tends to be something more moral. Even among the signs of the zodiac, some particularly stand out for resentment and here are the most resentful in the absolute sense.
These are the most resentful signs of the zodiac: is yours also there?
It is never advisable to give a Scorpio reason to develop a grudge. It is a vindictive profile that tends to keep this feeling even after many years, being very often anchored on the positions that distinguish it. He is devoted to dialogue but does not like those who intend to throw smoke in his eyes. Better to counter it with respect and without particular offensive ambitions.
Still a tedious and detestable sign sometimes even if he is an excellent listener. Capricorn prefers to be contradicted without too many words, hates fake people and repeats it with a lot of energy. He is the one who manifests resentment most naturally and clearly.
Virgo is quite famous for their strong tendency to sulk even for a long time also because they embroider a lot on past events. He is unwilling and perhaps unable to “turn the page” and put the past behind him as he considers most differences between human characters too great to ignore. It is therefore considered a “tough” and stubborn sign.