Acclaimed filmmaker Florian Zeller, responsible for the Oscar-nominated drama “Meu Pai”, already has a new project in development. The director will adapt another piece of his own, entitled “The Son”. The production will star Hugh Jackman and Laura Dern.
The plot follows Peter, who sees his hectic life alongside his new partner, Emma, and their baby, transform with the return of his ex-wife, Kate. She appears with the couple’s teenage son Nicholas, a troubled, difficult-to-talk, aggressive, and aloof young man – who has just dropped out of school. Peter will do anything to help the boy, but the weight of his condition will put the whole family on a tricky and dangerous path.
The second film in Zeller’s career – who is a playwright – will be produced by Oscar winners Iain Canning and Emile Sherman, as well as Joanna Laurie of See-Saw Films. Film4 is co-producing the project.
In addition to directing, Zeller co-wrote the screenplay alongside Christopher Hampton.
Florian Zeller has gained worldwide recognition for his impeccable work prior to scripting and directing his first film, “Meu Pai”, which follows the complex and delicate journey of an elderly man in his maturity phase.
The film stars Anthony Hopkins and Olivia Colman, who received Oscar nominations for their outstanding performances.
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In total, “Meu Pai” won six nominations for the coveted statuette, including Best Film and Best Adapted Screenplay.