As the world awaits the sequel to A Song of Ice and Fire, George RR Martin seems to be even more focused on the Targaryen family. After Fire and Blood and the consequent television series House of the Dragon, the writer has published a new novel: The Rise of the Dragon is coming to bookstores, also in Italy. What is it about?
The charm of the Targaryens is inexhaustible and George RR Martin wanted to devote yet another volume of study to the most powerful and ruthless family in Westeros. Also building on the success of television with House of the Dragon, the writer has released The Rise of the Dragon, a new tome that explores the Targaryen lineage and reveals details that have necessarily never been shown on the small screen.
game of thrones
House of the Dragon, in fact, is inspired by the novel Fire and Blood by George RR Martin in which he tells how the Dance of the Dragons began, that historical period that led to the decline of the most powerful family in Westeros. The real enemies, in this particular case, are actually the various members of the Targaryen family. And in the new volume titled The Rise of the Dragon in English, George RR Martin wanted to expertly delve into the stories of the Targaryen ancestors and what happened before getting to the point told in House of the Dragon .
The Rise of the Dragon by George RR Martin: plot and outcome
Fire and Blood is not only the title of George RR Martin’s volume, but also the motto of the Targaryen family, who over the centuries have prospered and held the Iron Throne in their hands with blood and fire. But riding dragons comes at a long-term cost, as the author explains in the new volume that takes readers back to Westeros, a time when the Targaryen family had to earn everything they were entitled to for centuries to come. . This is a new illustrated volume that chronicles Game of Thrones’ most beloved family and the protagonist of House of the Dragon.
Dragon House
George RR Martin sought to trace the salient features of Fire and Blood and delve into the rise of Targaryen rule beginning with the bloody battle of Westeros through which Aegon I achieved the title of Conqueror. Under his power, the seven kingdoms had a great king sitting on the iron throne. In The Advent of the Dragon, the author also recounts his incestuous marriage with his two sisters, as well as the past of Jaehaerys and Alysanne.
The rise of the dragon
And there’s no shortage of references to Maegor the Cruel, as well as all the shattered lives in between. Through conspiracies, marriages, banquets, and tournaments, Westeros offers a close look at the family forged in dragonfire and why it then came to that breaking point called the Dance of the Dragons, a clash that has brought the strongest family to their knees. of Westeros. The first taste also took place on television, during the finale of the first season of House of the Dragon. But, in his new volume released on November 8, 2022 also in Italy, George RR Martin promises new information about Daenerys’ family.