The classic thriller “The Most Dangerous Game”, released in Brazil under the name “Zaroff: The Hunter of Life”, will be the subject of a remake.
The new release will feature Bruce Dern (‘The Hated Eight’), Judd Nelson (‘Club of Five’), Caspar Van Dien (‘Star Troops’), Tom Berenger (‘ Platoon ‘) and Chris Tamburello (‘ The Challenge ”).
Check out the first official images:
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Justin Lee (“Final Kill”) is responsible for the direction, as well as the writing of the screenplay.
“The original manhunt takes a turn when father and son are dragged ashore after their steamboat exploded. The men find refuge on a mysterious island where their infamous host, Baron Von Wolf, reveals to them that the island is their hunting preserve, where humans serve as the ultimate hunt.
Mill Creek Entertainment is responsible for the development of the project.
Filming is underway for a release scheduled for 2022.
The original feature film, released in 1932, followed a group of passengers on a luxury yacht hunted for sport.