
the reactions of the opposition parties



Giuseppe Conte – Picture by Ansa Foto

“In the light of the most recent and concrete statements by President Silvio Berlusconi on the Ukrainian conflict, a clear and articulated foreign policy direction is emerging which is totally unacceptable in our country, because it calls into question the fundamental principle that Italy cannot argue that this aggression is justified.” These are the words of the leader of the 5 Star Movement Giuseppe Conte.

There are other reactions from the opposition after the publication of the Silvio Berlusconi audio.

Calenda: “Tajani should not become foreign minister”

Carlo Calenda – Photo by Ansa Foto. Email

“Berlusconi’s comments confirm that Forza Italia is an unreliable party and clearly aligned with Russia. The EPP should take a stand and Antonio Tajani should not become foreign minister. Meloni does not have a majority to govern,” Action leader Carlo Calenda said on Twitter.

Read: “Who harms Italy abroad?”

Enrico Letta – Picture by Ansa Foto

A “question for Giorgia Meloni. Who harms Italy abroad? The opposition making the opposition? The President of the Chamber who delegitimizes European sanctions against Russia? Gasparri against 194? Berlusconi who revives the invasion of Ukraine? “, tweeted Enrico Letta, asking a rhetorical question to the leader of the Brothers of Italy.

“Worse than the imprudent phrases of Berlusconi are the applause of the parliamentarians, the echo of which has reached Brussels, the USA and kyiv under the bombs. They are united in power but difficult times are brewing for Italy”. Thus the senator Pd Tatjana Rojc, “whoever hoped that the new Forza Italia would be an element of balance now has proof that it is a majority in which everyone is extremist for one reason or another” .

Magi: “Very serious and worrying position”

Ricardo Magi (from Facebook)

“Silvio Berlusconi’s remarks to the assembly of FI parliamentarians express a very serious and worrying political position, moreover shared by the applause of elected officials. This is not just an attempt to destabilize Italy’s international position. This is not acceptable on fundamental issues such as respect for international law and loyalty to democratic values”. Thus Riccardo Magi, deputy and president of Più Europa.

Malpezzi: ‘I wonder how Meloni can handle these comments’

Simona Malpezzi – Picture by Ansa Foto

“The one uttered by Berlusconi is the most pro-Putin reconstruction ever heard in the West and he is a false historian. I wonder how it is possible that Meloni, who says he strongly supports Ukraine, can tolerate these remarks which seriously undermine Italy’s international credibility. How do they think they can govern so divided on foreign policy? On a question, among others, where are ambiguities not permitted? “. Thus the president of the senators Pd Simona Malpezzi.

Fratoianni: “Putin’s friends are on the right”

Nicola Fratoianni – Picture by Ansa Foto

“I am surprised by the surprise: that Berlusconi is a friend of Putin we do not discover today for an audio in an assembly of parliamentarians. While in recent months we have wasted a lot of time looking for Putin’s friends among the pacifists of our country, I said that these friends know where they are: on the right. And here they are.” This was stated by National Secretary of the Italian Left Nicola Fratoianni, parliamentarians of the Green-Left Alliance.

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