
The protagonist of Dancing with the Stars moves everyone: “Cancer is a pain, but it changed me”



The words of the woman, one of the protagonists of Dancing with the Stars, on the illness that struck her and how she had to react

Last night, the new edition of Dancing with the stars opened its doors. This is the Rai Uno talent show hosted by Milly Carlucci, now in its seventeenth edition on television.

Cast of Dancing with the Stars (web source)

Brand new protagonists, dancers and coaches ready to get busy for this exciting competition that will keep company next Saturday night, at least until the beginning of 2023.

Those who have remained in their place in Dancing with the stars for years are part of the jury. In which stands out the presence of Carolyn Smith, a dancer and choreographer of great renown, now essential to the program of Milly Carlucci.

Carolyn Smith talks about herself: the tumor, the terrible moments and dancing as a cure

Everyone knows that Carolyn Smith has been on chemotherapy for some time. Due to a bad illness, breast cancer appeared in 2015 and for which she had to undergo far from benign treatments.

Smith is in great shape today, as evidenced by Vero’s interview. The British choreographer nevertheless wanted to talk about these difficult times, which today seem decidedly far and behind them.

“When I found out I had cancer, I had been telling everyone for years that I had to stop working for a while. I don’t wish anyone to go through what I went through, but it’s true that even illness has given me important life lessons”. Carolyn Smith (web source)

Moving words those of the protagonist of Dancing with the stars, who admits without hesitation to have found strength and courage in her greatest passion: “Dancing for me has always been a painkiller. When I was in the field, I looked at things from another angle and from another point of view. The body sent me an important signal that I just couldn’t ignore, it told me to listen to myself”.

Recently, Carolyn Smith removed the port, which is the implanted central venous catheter for certain therapies and removals. His physical condition is optimal, but he will have to watch for any relapses.

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