“The Princess and the People: Villains Love Too,” a sequel that marks the return of Vanessa Hudgens as Queen Margaret, Princess Stacy and Margaret’s cousin Fiona in the Christmas franchise, has recently debuted on Netflix and has already fallen in love with audiences.
Now the streaming giant has released a new promo video in which iconic drag queens Katya and Trixie Mattel react to the feature film.
To verify:
Mike Rohl will be in charge of the production.
Enjoy watching:
Montenaro was hosting an international Christmas festival, until a priceless relic went missing. In an attempt to resolve the situation, Stacy and Margaret enlist the help of someone who thinks like a criminal: Fiona!
When a priceless relic is stolen, Margaret and Stacy enlist Fiona’s help in retrieving it … and rekindling the sparks of a Christmas romance in
On Netflix November 18th, with Vanessa Hudgens, Vanessa Hudgens & Vanessa Hudgens! ️ pic.twitter.com/od1vPwzLms