The “Lord of the Rings” franchise is considered one of the most beloved cinematic universes of all time. The saga based on the classic novels by JRR Tolkien, will win a film in NFT version – non-fungible token – which consists of a 3D reproduction of the limited edition production.
Designed by Warner Bros. Home Entertainment and blockchain company Eluvio, the extended version of ‘Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring’ – Web3 Movie Experience was released this Friday, October 21 via, where entertainment fans can buy, sell and trade NFTs from productions.
The epic trilogy is the first cinematic production to be available in this format, which will include other titles from the studio in the future. The extended version of “Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring” (2001) is available on HBO Max and earlier releases from Warner Bros. Home entertainment.
The companies explained to Variety that the movie in the Metaverse has a “live cinematic experience” rather than just a copy of the movie. Warner Bros. “You can customize the content of each NFT – to make it a more playful experience over time,” Michelle Munson, CEO and co-founder of Eluvio, told Variety.