
the files on Salvini’s table



Matteo Salvini, Giorgia Meloni – Photo by Ansa Foto

From the bridge over the strait to the Tav Turin-Lyon, passing through the High Speed ​​in Sicily to port control. The files on the table of the Minister of Infrastructure are numerous and concern not only infrastructure projects that have been going on for years, but also immigration.

The Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Matteo Salvini spoke of a hundred public works ordered by the police that are waiting to be released.

The bridge over the Strait of Messina

This is one of the infrastructures we have been talking about since 2005, under the government led by Silvio Berlusconi. Then the tender was awarded to an Italian company. Salvini’s goal is to start work by the end of the legislature. The bridge over the strait was to connect Calabria and Sicily; the project would cost 7.1 billion euros and create 118,000 jobs.

“It costs more not to build the bridge over the strait than to do it. During these five years, relaunching the site is one of my objectives and would create more than 100,000 jobs, ”tweeted the leader of the League.

Tav Turin-Lyon

The work carried out for this other very controversial public work, which has seen the opposition of many citizens, amounts to 1.3 billion euros. Work is in progress for a value of 3.3 billion euros in work in progress. There are 10 active shipyards, including 3 in Italy. The workers employed are 1,200.

Port control

In his capacity as Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Matteo Salvini will also take care of port control in collaboration with the port authorities. Thus, the League will be able to continue the fight against the landing of migrants, in concert with the Ministry of the Interior led by Matteo Piantedosi, which controls the national borders.

As a first decision, the former prefect of Rome gave a directive to the police forces and the Port Authority to inform the operational divisions of the area that the pipelines of the two ships of the Ocean Viking and Humanity 1 will not are not “compliant with European regulations and Italian rules on security and border control and on the fight against illegal immigration”.

A press release states that “the conduct, based on Article 19 of the United Nations International Convention on the Law of the Sea, will be evaluated for adoption by the owner of the Ministry of Interior, as a national public security authority, from the ban on entering territorial waters”.

Asti-Cuneo highway

Renamed “the thirty-year highway”, it connects the two Piedmontese towns. The project dates back to the late 1980s, but the contract was not signed until 1990 to carry it out. Asti-Cuneo, however, would reduce Turin-Savona’s revenue, and that’s why there have been a series of appeals and disputes.

The company in charge of the work, after having given up, then again agreed to take charge of it. The work should be completed within the next four years, at a cost of 350 million euros.

AV in Sicily

The railway line that connects the main cities of Sicily is one of the major works financed by the PNRR. For the moment, there is no feasibility project nor resources to allocate.

The Genoa gutter

The latter could be one of the first shipyards to open. It is a project of 14 billion euros. The Gronda di Genova should connect the Ligurian capital to the highways in the north of the region to lighten the old Morandi bridge. It’s 72 kilometers of highways. Environmental committees oppose the project. The work also includes the construction of 13 new viaducts.

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