
The best brand of pasta sold in supermarkets: here is which one



Pasta is definitely the favorite food of Italians of all ages. Whether it’s for lunch or dinner, you have to be able to sit down at the table at least once a day with a nice plate of pasta in front of you, there’s no doubt about it. We simply cannot do without it. It appears from some readings of statistical documents that Italians consume an average of six pasta dishes per week. Obviously, there are many types and brands of pasta: supermarket shelves are full and have a great variety.

Precisely for this reason it is important to know what we have in front of us and what are the macronutrients that such an important food, such as pasta, must have. A well-known company in the consumer protection sector has undertaken to carry out numerous analyzes on different types of pasta. The parameters it decided to check are different, in particular: the presence of soft wheat, what fibers and proteins are present and in what percentages and any impurities present. In addition, other analyzes were carried out directly inside the kitchens: the pasta was analyzed before cooking and after cooking, in particular, conservation, stickiness and the ability to retain sauce were observed.

But despite not having a laboratory to use to carry out more specific analyses, the aspects that we can see with the naked eye are: the color, which to make us feel comfortable must be a very intense yellow; another fundamental factor is the proof of breakage, if when we break the pasta it makes a sharp noise, the pasta is good. If, on the contrary, it were to burst, it is only fair that doubts about the quality of the food we have in hand begin to assail us. Another alarm bell must be the possible presence of impurities: these appear in the form of black or white dots, depending on their origin.

In the case of blackheads, these are impurities deriving from the presence of foreign bodies; while if there are white spots, these are areas where the flour has not been well transformed and therefore the semolina has not been homogeneous. In the supermarket, having the boxes sealed, it is not possible to carry out these tests. Speaking of which, our industry experts come to our aid who, to overcome the problem, invite us to observe the ingredient label and choose the brand that guarantees that exclusively Italian wheat is used and without too much process.

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