
The 150 Euro Bonus is coming: who is eligible and when it will be paid



The latest news on the second economic bonus that the State is ready to send to Italian citizens, but not everyone will receive it immediately

The period for Italy and its citizens is still very complicated. The population has to face an unprecedented high cost of living. Rising raw material costs, skyrocketing bills and fuel prices that could skyrocket at any moment.

Bonus 150 euros (web source)

The Italian State tried to satisfy the population already last July, by offering the beneficiaries the bonus of 200 euros. Another state aid is coming soon, a second part of the bonus that will give a little help to many.

We are talking about the €150 Bonus. Through the decisions enshrined in the Aid ter decree, the Government has made further economic support available to taxpayers and families. Let’s see when the second bonus will arrive and who will be entitled to it.

On November 2, the bonus of 150 euros is launched: the first beneficiaries will be retirees

November will indeed be the month of the Bonus 150. The second economic aid approved by the State should be paid from November 2, the first bankable date of the new month.

But it will not reach all employees and workers, as happened in July. The first to benefit from the additional 150 euros will be very specific categories: the INPS will pay the contribution against the cost of living to retirees and holders of social treatments such as checks and social pensions, as well as civil pensions from disability. Bonus 150 euros on the way for retirees (Pexels)

The payment of the 150 euros will be made automatically. In November, at the same time as the classic pension check (from now on directly credited to current accounts), this additional money will be directly accounted for.

Only those who in the 2022 tax period have received personal income subject to Irpef, net of social and social security contributions, not exceeding 20,000 euros, are entitled to the bonus.

The other categories of taxpayers, on the other hand, will still have to wait, but the aid decree ter should soon institute the payment also to employees and the self-employed, provided that we have not exceeded the aforementioned income threshold in the declaration of income 2022.

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