Filmmaker Makoto Shinkai, known for directing the amazing animation “Your Name,” has announced that “Suzume no Tojimari” is now complete.
A twelve-minute extended preview will air on Japanese TV on October 28. It’s up to our fans to show it off here on Crunchyroll.
Shinkai took the opportunity to share a photo from the editing room.
“Suzume no Tojimari is over!” Thank you so much for all the hard work and support. I’m sure you’ll like the movie. Hope everyone gets to watch it!” the director tweeted.
The plot follows Suzume, a young resident of a small town in the Kyushu region. One day, she finds a traveler looking for a door and finds herself on a great adventure.
17-year-old Suzume’s journey begins in a sleepy Kyushu town when she meets a young man who tells her, “I’m looking for a door. What Suzume finds is a single weathered gate that stands amidst the ruins, as if protected from any disaster. Seemingly hypnotized by her power, Suzume grabs the doorknob… Doors begin to open one after another across Japan, unleashing destruction on anyone nearby. Suzume must close these portals to prevent further disaster.
Remember that ‘Suzume no Tojimari’ will be released in Brazilian theaters in early 2023. But there is still no specific date.
You can also check out the official animation poster:
Directing and scripting by Shinkai (who rose to prominence for the mega-hit ‘Your Name’) with character design by Masayoshi Tanaka (“Time with You”, also by Shinkai), Takumi Tanji in art direction and Kenichi Tsuchiya in the sense of animations. The studio is again the CWF, and the distribution is by TOHO.