
“Stardust”: biography of David Bowie with Jena Malone debuts on the TeleCine platform



David Bowie’s biopic, titled ‘Stardust’, is now available on the TeleCine platform.

The production – which has received heavy criticism from the press and the public – recently made its debut on the streaming grid.

The plot is set in 1971. David Bowie is a 24-year-old who travels to the United States to promote his new album, The Man Who Sold the World. Leaving Angie and his pregnant wife behind, he and his band embark on an impromptu tour across the country. Along the way, the artist is confronted with an audience that is not yet ready for what he represents. During this eventful journey, Bowie gradually begins to realize the need to reinvent himself, to truly draw closer to himself. It is from this awareness that his iconic celestial alter ego Ziggy Stardust arises.

Johnny Flynn plays the iconic music star, known by his alter ego Ziggy Stardust. The cast also features Jena Malone as Bowie’s wife, as well as Marc Maron as Ron Oberman.

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Gabriel Range is responsible for directing, based on a screenplay written by Christopher Bell.

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