J. Jonah Jameson is one of the most charismatic characters in the “Spider-Man” franchise and was immortalized by JK Simmons in the trilogy directed by Sam Raimi between 2002 and 2007.
No wonder the star was asked to reprise the role of Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Clarim in “Spider-Man: Far from Home“.
For those curious about how the star landed the role, a fan page on Twitter posted a rare video showing Simmons auditioning for the hero’s debut film.
The 42-second video shows the star reproducing Jameson’s signature speeches and gestures, still without the wig worn during the recordings.
Spider-Man (2002)
JK Simmon screen test for J. Jonah Jameson pic.twitter.com/sNYFxNYiLS
– Daily Raimi Spider-Man! (@ EARTH_96283) July 17, 2021
Now that Jameson is part of the MCU, many fans are wondering if the character will have a bigger role in Marvel’s future on the big screen.
Enjoy watching:
During an interview with Collider, Simmons was asked the same question, to which he answered:
“There is a small chance, we are still talking about it and I will not say anything definitive for the moment. In fact, I don’t know if I can. But I can say I’m very optimistic about JJ Jameson’s future in the MCU.
Earlier last year, the star previously revealed on Sirius XM radio that he had signed a contract with Sony and Marvel to appear in other studio films.
He even made sure his next scene as Jameson was taped already.
“Well, it was a secret, but I’ve already shot another scene as JJ Jameson. With that, we can conclude that there is a future for the character after so many years of playtime. appearance in “Spider-Man: Back Home” was not the last, I can guarantee it.
Unfortunately, he hasn’t revealed which movie will be Jameson’s next appearance.
Meanwhile, it’s worth remembering that “Spider-Man: No Return Home” will be released on December 16, 2023:
The film is expected to follow Peter Parker’s new battle after being publicly exposed by J. Jonah Jameson at the end of “Spider-Man: Away from Home”.
Amy Pascal will act as the producer of the sequel alongside Feige, representing Sony and Marvel respectively.