The beloved sequel “Spider-Man: No Back Home” became a smash hit, to the point of taking the highest-grossing post of 2021 worldwide.
And production is also set to break a new record, becoming the highest-grossing film in Sony Pictures history. The information was revealed by the Deadline portal.
According to the publication, experts say the film is expected to fetch at least US $ 600 million for Sony alone. The value is equivalent to the part dedicated only to the studio, after distribution due between the company, Marvel Studios and the other producers involved in the project.
It’s worth remembering that this is the 5th film to hit the $ 1 billion box office mark without an opening in China, an incredibly impressive feat in the era of the pandemic.
The film totals US $ 467.3 million in the United States and US $ 587.1 million internationally, for a total of US $ 1.05 billion worldwide.
“No Back Home” was also the first film to cross the billion dollar mark since “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” ($ 1.073 billion) in December 2019.
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It’s the 49th film to surpass $ 1 billion in unadjusted global earnings, but it’s only the 5th to do so without China.
With no release date in China, it is on the list of unreleased billion-dollar films, such as ‘Pirates of the Caribbean: Death Chest’ ($ 1.066 billion in 2006), ‘The Dark Knight’ ($ 1.004 billion in 2008), “Alice in Wonderland” ($ 1.025 billion in 2010) and “The Joker” ($ 1.073 billion in 2019).
The film also topped “Jumanji – Welcome to the Jungle” ($ 404 million) as the highest grossing box office in Sony Pictures HISTORY.
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Directed again by Jon Watts, the cast includes Tom Holland, Zendaya, Benedict Cumberbatch, Marisa Tomei, JK Simmons, Jamie Foxx, Alfred Molina, Martin Starr and Jacob Batalon.