‘Spider-Man 2’, directed by Sam Raimi in 2004, showed Dr. Octopus (Alfred Molina) sacrificing himself to prevent the destruction of New York City, which would be consumed due to his mistake.
However, no one saw him die, just sunk from the East River …
While the character’s return has been confirmed in the upcoming ‘Spider-Man’ movie in the MCU, many theories have emerged on the subject.
During an interview with Variety, Molina was asked about the villain’s ‘resurrection’ and was blunt in saying that:
“The new movie will explain what happened to that one as it sank.”
While not going into details, the star suggests that Octavius never drowned and managed to escape the river alive, but it wasn’t until December that fans will have the final answer.
In the same interview, the portal also revealed that Molina will be digitally rejuvenated in over 15 years to reprise the role.
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Octavius will appear in the new film with the same look he had in 2004.
Recalling that Marvel Studios has already introduced us to a young Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) in ‘Captain America: Civil War’ and Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) in ‘Captain Marvel’.
Set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe circa 2024, ‘Spider-Man 3′ will be a reminder of Octavius’ death in the 2004 film, as the new film begins where Molina’s story ended in “ Spider-Man 2 ”.
Coming back as the infamous Marvel Comics villain “was wonderful,” Molina said. “It was very interesting to come back after 17 years to play the same role, considering that in the years since I now have two chins, crow’s feet and a little weird lower back.”
Molina reveals that he spoke to director Watts about his concern about bringing Otto Octavius 20 years after his death with a 17-year-old actor from “ Spider-Man 2. ”
“He just looked at me and said, ‘Did you see what we did to Robert Downey Jr. and Sam Jackson?’” He laughed.
The actor even referred to ‘The Irish’: “They made Robert De Niro’s face younger, but when he fought he looked like an older man. He looked like an old man! That’s what worried me about starting over.
How will the character be reintroduced in the new movie? It remains to be seen, but apparently something happened the moment he sank his reactor in the river to prevent the destruction of New York City.
Watch the announcement revealing the official title of the sequel, which opens on December 16, 2021:
Alfred Molina has had his return as Dr.
Zendaya, Jacob Batalon and Marisa Tomei are also returning.
The film is set to follow Peter Parker’s new battle after being publicly exposed by J. Jonah Jameson at the end of “ Spider-Man: Far From Home. ”
Amy Pascal will serve as the producer of the sequel alongside Feige, representing Sony and Marvel respectively.
Watch our review of the previous film:
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