
Shock attack on Sabrina Ferilli: “You’re just good at spreading your legs”. The reaction is applause (PHOTO)



Shock sentence pronounced against Sabrina Ferilli, the famous Roman actress who then had to respond to haters as often happens

Sabrina Ferilli is a very popular woman in Italian show business. An experienced actress by now, she has worked with huge Italian directors and has always displayed an ironic and carefree verve.

Sabrina Ferilli (Mediaset screen)

The national Sabrina has recently been part of the fixed cast of Tu si que vales, the Saturday evening talent show of Canale 5, strongly requested by her friend Maria De Filippi as a columnist, to comment on the performances of the competitors with her spontaneity .

Although there are many who appreciate Ferilli, both for her stage talent and her long-standing sensuality, unfortunately, the enemies of the famous actress of Roman origin are not lacking.

Sabrina Ferilli, the answer stung to the hater: question and answer on social networks

In recent hours, Sabrina Ferilli has received a severe attack from a user, perhaps not fascinated by the spontaneous manners of the actress during her participation in Tu si que vales.

This person, as unfortunately often happens, used social networks (in this case Instagram) to attack Ferilli: “You are better at spreading your legs than at playing! Great” – is the offensive phrase written against the woman, supplemented with tags to better target the attack.

Sabrina, however, did not miss this insult to her career and her talent as an actress, translocated in a sexist tone. The Rome-born actress replied to the hater in a piquant way: “Thank you, I learned from your mother”. Hater Ferilli’s Q&A screen on Instagram

Sabrina Ferilli, spontaneous but at the same time rightly tough, who with this perhaps unexpected response from the “keyboard lions” literally silenced the enemies. The woman has always admitted that she accepts criticism about her profession and does not care, but she does not tolerate sexist insults.

Sabrina Ferilli’s adventure in Tu si que vales will continue despite social attacks. The Ferie d’agosto actress will continue in her fun curtains with De Filippi, Gerry Scotti and the other cast members of Canale 5.

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