
Serie A, farewell to one of the protagonists of recent years: fans in tears



Serie A, farewell to one of the protagonists of recent years: the fans in tears. Bad news for all fans of our football

He was one of the great Japanese exponents of this sport, making himself appreciated even on Italian stages with the Reggina jersey. At 44, he decided to say enough Shunsuke Nakamura.

Tearful Fans (Websource)

Our league was the best at European and global level, especially between the 1980s and the early 2000s. In those twenty abundant years, all the most important players the world could offer passed our share. An anthology of champions who have made Serie A the most watched tournament even on television. In our part of Italy, we have also seen three of Japan’s most popular footballers at home: Miura, Nakata and Nakamura. The latter is back in the headlines in these hours since he officially announced his retirement. At 44, after having accumulated a lot of experience, he decided to hang up his boots. With Reggina de Lillo Foti, he scored goals that remained in the collective imagination of amaranth fans and beyond.

Serie A, farewell Shunsuke Nakamura: at 44, he retires from football

Shunsuke Nakamura (Ansa Foto)

Shirt number 10 on the shoulders, long and scaly hair, velvety left foot, able to brush magic trajectories even from a free kick. Nakamura arrived in Italy in the wake of his famous predecessor Nakata, but found no bigger star than Reggina, a provincial noblewoman. Instead, he managed to win at Celtic Glasgow, with whom he also played in the Champions League between 2005 and 2009. In total, he scored 11 goals in 81 appearances for Reggina, while with the he Japanese national team, the statistics speak of 24 centers in 98. attendance (protagonist of the World Cup at home 2002).

It was from Tokyo that the Japanese attacking midfielder decided to leave Yokohama FC at the end of the season (contract expiring on January 31, 2023). At 44, he is still capable of making a difference in the J-League, even if he is not in top form. After spending many seasons on the pitch, now is the time to think about the future. Certainly news that leaves a veil of sadness for those who admired him a long time ago in our country.

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