
Serena Bortone, skip it all: revolution in the Rai house



Not a particularly happy year for Serena Bortone who was forced to change her own plans

The host of Today is another day finds herself working in a not particularly easy year. Between unforeseen events and accusations of harassment, the distribution of Rai Uno has undergone a little too much variation.

Today’s host is Another Day, Serena Bortone (photo © Rai).

It was only recently that Serena Bortone’s broadcast found itself at the center of controversy for the events between Memo Remigi and Jessica Morlacchi that forced the presenter to take a strong stance of support for her stable affection, the singer main of Gazosa. In any case, Today is another day is a somewhat special year, beyond what has happened since the beginning, since the broadcast had to be brought forward due to the elections.

Not only that, because Serena Bortone also had sudden changes in the course of labor, just as it will be tomorrow. The broadcast, in fact, from September to today has undergone too many variations which could have penalized it in terms of audience.

Serena Bortone will not be on the air with Today is another day: all the variations

The entrance to the studies of the public service networks (via Facebook)

Tomorrow, Wednesday November 2, the programming of the Rai networks will undergo some changes. Without prejudice to Rai Tre, in fact, the schedule will be slightly distorted with regard to the first two channels of state television. To suffer the consequences, it is Serena Bortone who will not go on the air, to make way for other programs. Tomorrow’s Rai Uno lineup will be as follows:

08:55 Parliament Rai. news channel

09:05 one morning

09:40 Green Line Green Weather

13:30 TG1

14:05 FICTION I prefer heaven

16:05 Ladies Paradise 7 – Daily Season 5 1st viewing

Rai Due will also follow some changes in the schedule, as mentioned below by Adnkronos:

06:00 The great valley (place des Pilotes)

6:30 a.m. Chesapeake Coast. We acquired a girl (instead of you)

7:15 a.m. Heartland. Unwanted Customers (instead of Dreams Road)

08:00 to 8 in three

19:05 NCIS Murder at the Equator (in lieu of scheduled episode)

05:45 The big valley

Having the worst is the presenter of Today is another day that will have to go without taking the pitch for tomorrow’s episode.

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