The sequel to “The Goonies” has been officially canceled, but star Sean Astin still believes in the feasibility of a reboot, with a new, young cast.
During an interview with Collider, in which he was promoting his Netflix series, “No Good Nick,” the veteran commented that the sequel was really off the charts, but pointed to a new take on the ’80s classic.
“I think we’re past the days when we, the original cast, are the right guys to star in a sequel. Still, I think a reboot of the film might well appeal to contemporary audiences, but ultimately it all depends on Steven Spielberg’s willingness to invest in a new project “The Goonies,” he said.
‘The Goonies’ shows the adventures of children and adolescents in search of the treasure of pirate Willy One-Eyed to save their families from the financial crisis.
The second movie would reunite the entire gang from the first (now adults, of course) and their kids, who would have to do the same thing their parents did: save the city.
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