
romeo ucraina what meloni said born in russia



On the war in Ukraine, the attitude of part of the parliamentary majority which supports the Meloni government exasperates kyiv. But arrows are also coming from Moscow, directly at the prime minister.

The centre-right executive has been in full swing for 3 days, received parliamentary confidence a few hours ago and the burning issue of the war is starting to create tension. From kyiv today, October 27, came a statement by the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Oleg Nikolenko. Who intended to respond to the “statement of Italian Senator” Massimiliano Romeo – leader of the Lega in the Senate – which “reflects his personal opinion”.

Photo Ansa / Twitter Matteo Salvini

“Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has made Italy’s position clear,” Nikolenko continued. For him, Meloni stressed “the need to continue to support Ukraine against the backdrop of Russian aggression and the indisputable right of Ukrainians to determine their own future”. Then the broadside: “In almost all countries, there will be politicians who will try to please Putin”. The controversial statements by the spokesman of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry came in response to a question from the UNIAN news agency. The journalist had asked for a response to the statements made by the leader of the Northern League in the Senate.

What Romeo said about Ukraine

But what did Massimiliano Romeo say during the debate on the vote of confidence in the Meloni executive, Tuesday, October 26? “Italy is in NATO and the Atlantic position has never been called into question”, said Romeo in his speech at the Palazzo Madama before the ministers and the prime minister. “But also try to set up a discourse of peace negotiations,” he said, addressing the government benches. “Of course, peace is not made with a conference, but given that the United States itself realizes that this is a path that can be followed… It is difficult to hear that the Ukrainians will decide. Of course, their will must be respected, but it is better to say that the international community decides in the interest of Ukraine. Let’s say that this path must be followed in the tradition that sees Italy capable of diplomacy and conditioning the international geopolitical scenario. »

Giorgia Meloni between ministers Piantedosi (d) and Tajani (s). Photo Ansa / Riccardo Antimiani

Ukraine, what Meloni said

Statements of this nature could not escape the attention of the Ukrainian government, particularly because they followed those made by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in his keynote address to the House on October 25. On war, peace, Russia and Ukraine, the Prime Minister made remarks that do not correspond to those of the leader of the League in the Senate. And in response to the Oct. 26 Senate debate, Meloni said, “I hope and work to achieve a just peace. But we have to understand how to get there. This is not done by waving rainbow flags in the squares. In Ukraine, it is a war of aggression that we cannot accept. Those like me who believe in self-defense… I don’t think we are in a world where those with more military might invade a neighbor”.

“The Ukrainians defended themselves, it was stronger than the others. The only possibility of favoring a negotiation is that there is a balance of forces on the ground. Peace is achieved by supporting Ukraine, by allowing it to defend itself, that is geopolitics. On the issue of sending arms to Ukraine, Meloni added: “If Italy turned away, the rest of the West would continue to send arms. Britain alone sends more arms than the entire West. Therefore, it is not the outcome of the war that would change, but our credibility. »

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. Photo Ansa / Epa Stéphanie Lecocq

Conversation with the head of NATO

Giorgia Meloni today had a phone call with NATO Secretary Jens Stoltenberg. “Excellent telephone conversation with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. Italy is a committed ally, making a strong contribution to our deterrence and defense. of the Atlantic Alliance.During the telephone call, the Italian Prime Minister reiterated her adherence to the Atlantic Alliance, “essential to defend security and the common values ​​that characterize Western identity”. knowing that Meloni had reaffirmed his full support for Ukraine against the Russian invasion and the importance, in the perspective of a comprehensive approach, of strengthening NATO’s commitment in the face of contrasting threats of a different nature coming from all strategic directions, including the challenges of the South.

Russia against Meloni

The Kremlin reacted to the interview, which also touched on the Russian war in Ukraine, through Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova. “I don’t understand what Giorgia Meloni means when she says that Italy will continue to follow a pro-Atlanticist line,” he said in response to a question from Ansa. “In reality, NATO does not take into account the positions of individual member countries, the line is decided by the United States.” Zakharova then added that “a new era has begun within NATO and the EU, the era of American dictatorship.”

Maria Zakharova, spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry. Photo Ansa / Epa Maxim Shipenkov

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