
Review | ‘The Meaning of Life’ – Netflix’s Teen Drama Shows It’s All About You



Adolescence is the most troubled period in the life of a human being. It does not matter in what culture a person grows up, it is in the period after childhood and before adulthood that everything begins to boil and the character of the individual begins to be shaped more solidly, moving towards what type of citizen he be. And, for this, the person goes through a series of doubts and worries that are part of this journey, but it is not easier for anyone. About the dizzying existential crisis so common in adolescence, the drama ‘The Meaning of Life’ has been singling out in Netflix’s Top 10 since its launch, and, it could be: premiering amid a month of holidays, children really watch and identify with the film.

Ali Spencer (Andrea Figliomeni) had been in a serious car accident in the recent past, of which he does not remember anything. More than that: She now suffers from recent amnesia, in which she can remember basic daily functions, such as speaking, doing calculations and driving, but cannot remember who she is, what she is doing. she loves or what he had done. in his life. This is how she returns home and now has to face her old life, even without recognizing anyone around her, let alone acknowledging any story they tell about her. As she struggles to get back to who she was, she slowly begins to discover new possibilities of being herself.

Quite metaphorical and opening gaps for different interpretations (search for gender, character, ideological, social identity, etc.), ‘O Sentido da Vida’ is a feature film that deals in a very simple way with the search of young people for forming their identity. Paul Root and Nicholas DiBella’s screenplay, however, is only part of that process, not really delving into the concerns that are part of the learning curve. Thus, the film begins with the return of young Ali to her home, without the viewer knowing where she comes from or what happened; the elements are inserted through the dialogues, since the protagonist does not even have any abrasions or bruises – and, therefore, we do not know how much time has passed. At the same time that Ali is trying to figure out who she is, we viewers are also trying to figure out who’s the bad guy and who’s the good guy in the story, so that ultimately none of this is defined by the scenario, leaving us in absentia of the choices of the protagonist. .

Although with the right intention, Nicholas DiBella’s film leaves the arcs too loose, offering little to the viewer. The cut of the search for self without showing the previous accident or even the flashbacks of the past makes the viewer remain in the dark with the protagonist all the time and ends the film in the same way as it began: only in the intention, without realization. It’s a bold choice by the director, as it leaves a sense of thematic void. On the other hand, that’s life: a daily construct of choices, good or bad.

Enjoy watching:

“The Meaning of Life” is a bold film that dives metaphorically into teenage character formation to tell young people that there’s nothing wrong with defining everything all at once, that things go gradually, and that there is nothing wrong with changing your mind in the middle of the process. For a restless and urgent audience, however, the addressed language may not be the best choice.

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