Euro banknotes (generic) – Photo by Ansa Foto
The Rai fee is one of the taxes that Italians pay with the electricity bill.
The contribution was established by the Renzi government, with the aim of putting an end to the evasion of payment of the tax to support Italian public television.
According to the European Union, this maneuver is incongruous and should be removed from the bill next year. Indeed, by paying the Rai fee, a state tax was levied in the context of a private commercial relationship between the citizen and the energy manager. But from next year there will be something new.
The contribution could be extended to smartphones and tablets
First, it could increase a lot, then it could also be paid on smartphones and tablets. Rai’s leaders asked for it. The company’s CEO said the utility is in economic trouble and therefore needs more funds, which could come from extending the tax also on non-TV electronics.
How to claim RAI tax exemption
According to the laws in force, it is still possible to request an exemption from the Rai fee if you declare that you do not have a television at home, by downloading the appropriate exemption request from the company’s website.
The application must be submitted by January 31, 2023 and must be resubmitted annually as the exemption is only valid for one year.
The promises of the election campaign on the Rai fee
The new government has not yet spoken on the issue, except during the election campaign. “Those who choose the League choose the abolition of the RAI contribution”, promised Matteo Salvini, leader of the League, during a meeting in Turin.
“We must invest 30 billion euros now to stop the increase in electricity bills, otherwise it will be a disaster. And thanks to Renzi on electricity bills for a few years, there is an additional tax that you all pay, the Rai fee. Those who choose the League choose the abolition of the Rai fee. Like many other TVs, you pay for yourself”.