At least once, you will surely have tasted tomato sauce or meat sauce and noticed a sour aftertaste in your mouth. So here’s what we can do to fix it. First of all, we must point out that it is not as obvious as we think, to know tricks and methods to sweeten the unique and unmistakable flavor of tomato sauce. Tomato sauce is precisely one of the most used ingredients in Italian cuisine, its versatility makes it suitable for cooking many different dishes, more or less simple, such as pasta with tomato sauce, fish or meat.
In short, the tomato sauce manages to give an extra touch to each dish. In addition, the tomato not only enhances the flavors, but also manages to give color to our table. Despite this, tomato sauce can sometimes be sour. Especially with bottled tomato puree, not fresh. This annoying aftertaste is due to the natural acidity of the tomato, in fact they are generally acidic, but thanks to the simple trick of the grandmother that you will find later from the grandmother, your sauce will become soft and tasty again . Let’s see how to do it together.
The secret is easier than you think, in fact, just add a pinch of baking soda to the tomato sauce. Attention: it must be done before the sauce reaches cooking and not after. In theory, there are several remedies to eliminate acidity, but this one is the most effective of those tested. The tangible proof that really proves that the trick works is the formation of small bubbles all over the surface of the sauce.
This is a real and completely normal chemical reaction, which certifies that the bicarbonate is doing its job in eliminating the acidity. As soon as you notice the appearance of bubbles, you should aim for a timer of about 20 minutes so that the substance has time to eliminate all traces of acidity. Also, I can assure you that baking soda won’t alter the flavor of the dish in any way. The important thing is not to exceed the indicated dose. It really only takes a pinch.
Alternatively, but only if the sauce is cool (so the acidity is low), the baking soda can be replaced with a drop of milk or a pinch of sugar, but keep in mind that this method is only intended to cover the sour taste of tomato. , but does not oppose it (be careful not to abuse it). I hope you liked this little tip and above all that it will be useful to you.